Παρασκευή 20 Φεβρουαρίου 2015

How is acne treated without drugs?

Contrary to what we thought in the past, acne is not caused by poor diet, chocolate or fatty trofes.Yparchoun course conflicting studies on the diet but the only certainty is that the excess fat, if any, are converted into estrogen androgona.

I acne is the disease of adolescence and is characterized by inflammation of the sebaceous glands. Recent years have seen an increased frequency in adults. The most common in adult females than in adult males, and although not associated with serious problems and complications may have significant psychosocial consequences for sufferers.

The rash is erythema consisting of comedones, papules, pustules, nodules, cysts, scars and may be accompanied by seborrhea. Acne Mike Walden develops when the sebaceous glands produce excess sebum, either by inheritance or overproduction of androgens eg polycystic ovaries. This is associated with the overproduction of keratinocytes in the walls of the glands, which together shed clog pores of the glands to the skin surface (blackheads - open comedones or white figures - closed comedones).

The yperleitourgountes glands swell and results in inflammation (red pimples - papules), their walls are cleaved, and bacteria (mainly propionovaktiridio acne) located in the skin, colonize, penetrate, contaminants and create purulent lesions (pustules). Inflammatory agents are employed and a lingering inflammatory process ensues and established. Cysts are caused when the path is heavier.

In adult women, the use of inappropriate, comedogenic, cosmetic and sunscreen on skin prone to acne, neglect of meticulous cleansing before bedtime, polycystic ovarian syndrome, obesity, and even stress increases androgens cause acne due to obstruction resources and overactivity of the sebaceous glands !! The natural dermatological treatment of acne without drugs.

Remains a challenge for dermatology finding effective treatment for acne, as resistance develops in antibiotics, but also undesirable side effects of retinoids which may be photosensitive, dry lips, skin, eyes, nose, hyperlipidemia, etc. up and teratogenicity.

There are categories of social groups that can not be administered retinoids or age reproductive phase, either because of contraindication of necessary simultaneous contraceptive making such in smokers or in existence clotting disorders.
The visible light (400-760nm), in contrast to the solar ultraviolet UVC-UVB-UVA radiation (190-400nm), causing photoaging and skin cancer, it is beneficial, life-giving and healing. Not generate heat, unlike the solar infrared (760-3000nm), which can cause skin dryness.

Visible light is the part of solar energy, which is due to the life on the planet and the orderly development of the human organism. With the physical method of photodynamic therapy, which is FDA approved, clean, and safe visible light that does not contain the harmful UVA & UVB radiation, does not produce heat and aims propionovaktiridio acne and inflammation.

The destruction of bacteria because produce endogenously, photosensitive substances, porphyrins such as koproprofyrini III and protoporphyrin, which by reacting with the light, generate singlet oxygen, into the bacterial cells, which acts as a powerful antivaktiridioktono resulting depopulation, the propionovaktiridiou acne, whose presence plays inflammation. The light wavelength of 415nm, the blue light, corresponds exactly to the maximum absorptivity of the porphyrins.

Weakened propionovaktiridia become more vulnerable to attacks the body's white blood cells, defense cells, which simultaneously photoactivated by blue light. Moreover, immunomodulatory mechanisms induced, due to the beneficial effect of red light with wavelength 633nm, which minimizes the production of proinflammatory cytokines, i.e. proteins, i.e. proteins that initiate and accelerate inflammation. The antiinflammatory activity of the red light, reduces erythema of acne, but the severity of the inflammatory route, thus decreasing the likelihood of scarring.

The reduction of inflammation is completed up to 16 weeks after the end of treatment. Key advantages of this method:
- Does not hinder the daily activity
- No pain occurs
- There are no side effects
- It is invasive

Only contraindicated in patients with photosensitivity and diseases such as lupus erythematosus. In the case of cystic acne, photodynamic therapy should be considered in conjunction with a photosensitizer to the enhanced therapeutic effect. The photosensitizer may be of varying density is 5% to 20%, depending on the severity of acne.